Invited panelist at the Annual Earth Science Application Showcase at NASA HQ - August 2018

Visit to the Costa Rican Embassy in Washington D.C. - August 2016

This summer DEVELOP had two projects focused in Costa Rica. The Ambassador, Dr. Roman Macaya Hayes and Alejandra Solano helped us identify local stakeholders that benefitted from our research. 

Click image to see original tweet

Click image to see original tweet


Short Interview with Integrative Conservation Program at UGA - October 2015

I got a chance to share my research interests and thoughts on UGA's ICON program. Please click on the photo for the full interview.


Our video was a finalist for the Athens Ripple Effect - May 2015

Dr. Quint Newcomer (Director of the UGA Costa Rica Campus), Katie Brownson (fellow ICON student from Ecology), and I went to Costa Rica in November of 2014 as part of a water management class. We submitted a video to the Athens Ripple Effect Festival and it was very well received.  Check it out!

Mixed-Media Making an Impact on a Small Coffee Farm in San Luis de Monteverde, Costa Rica - January 2015 

I've been traveling to the San Luis Valley, in the shadows of the Monteverde Reserve in Costa Rica, ever since I started pursuing my PhD at UGA. Just a short walk from the UGA Costa Rica Campus you can buy some of the best coffee in the world. La Bella Tica is a small organic coffee farm that is operated by two brothers and their families. During one of my trips, I decided to capture the sheer awesomeness of Oldemar and his farm, which resulted in the video below. Early this year I was glad to find out that the mixed media (photos, videos, audio, etc) that I captured are now part of La Bella Tica's website

Capacity Building in Santiago, Chile - October 2014

I was fortunate to be part of the three member team that visited Santiago, Chile for a week long data hand-off event that consisted of a three day capacity building workshop and meeting potential partners for future projects. The trip was sponsored by the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture. The workshop took place at the Centro de Informacion de Recursos Naturales (CIREN) and was open to different stakeholders organizations involved with water management. You can find more information here

Martes 14 de octubre 2014: La Comisión Nacional de Riego (CNR), Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales (CIREN) y NASA DEVELOP presentan proyecto "Pronóstico de caudales provenientes del derretimiento nivel y monitoreo de nieve en el cursos supe…

Martes 14 de octubre 2014: La Comisión Nacional de Riego (CNR), Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales (CIREN) y NASA DEVELOP presentan proyecto "Pronóstico de caudales provenientes del derretimiento nivel y monitoreo de nieve en el cursos superior de las cuencas hidrográficas de Copiapó y Huasco. Región de Atacama".
Jeff Ely*; Jamie Favors*; Director Ejecutivo del Centro de Información de Recursos Naturales, Ciren Chile, Juan Pablo López; Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión Nacional de Riego, CNR, Patricio Grez; y Steve Padgett-Vasquez*.


Monteverde Climate March, Costa Rica - September 2014

When the Climate March was taking place in New York City last September, I was in Costa Rica and I was able to participate in a Climate March organized by the people of Monteverde in Costa Rica. Lucky for me, I had my iphone and an action cam to create the following video. For more details, please visit my blog post


One of our DEVELOP Projects got the interest of the NASA Administrator, Charlie Bolden - August 2014

For one of our projects we, UGA @ DEVELOP, partnered up with Disney's Animal Kingdom and Projecto Titi to help out conservation efforts in protecting the Cotton-Top Tamarin in Colombia. We had a chance to showcase our project at NASA Headquarters during DEVELOP's Summer Closeout. You can find more about the project through our Earthzine Virtual Poster Session and get to see our video (in English or Spanish). Somehow I convinced Charlie Bolden to pose with a Cotton-Top plush doll. 

From Left to Right: Myself, Peter Hawman (DEVELOP Young Professional), Dr. Anne Savage (Disney's Animal Kingdom), and Charlie Bolden (NASA Administrator) holding a Cotton-Top Tamarin.

From Left to Right: Myself, Peter Hawman (DEVELOP Young Professional), Dr. Anne Savage (Disney's Animal Kingdom), and Charlie Bolden (NASA Administrator) holding a Cotton-Top Tamarin.

Newspaper articles on the DEVELOP opening a node at UGA - February 2013

The NASA DEVELOP office at UGA kicked-off with 4 projects during the summer of 2013. UGA Columns and The Red and Black published the following articles once the partnership was established.  Please click on the images to read the full full articles.